Another lesson I learned today is that always be prepared for unforeseeable changes. I was hoping and working to complete my to-do list recently. Checking things off the list has been my priority since I started working on my PhD proposal. Since I have set a goal to form a disciplined work schedule, I have tried my best to come up with a to-do list and keep up with it as much as possible. For the past week or two, I was pretty much great with it. But today I learned to let go of plans when changes take place and I need to put everything aside and start all over again.
At the end of the day, I am thankful that I left my today’s to-do list behind and start writing as mentioned above. It felt right to change the method of thinking and working today. All in all, I got more things done (I believe I did) and have a more clear idea or maps to move forward.

Tomorrow will be another working weekend. I am not complaining though.
4/21/2018 11.45 pm