In the morning, since I went to bed rather late last night, I allowed myself to indulge in bed a bit longer before getting up to start my morning routine. Fortunately, because the day had been planned before hand, all I had to do was to adjust my morning part and start my day right off.
Speaking of work, I split my work into five chunks throughout the day from early morning to night with breaks and a workout in between with the main goal — to revise student questionnaire questions. I spent quite a decent chunk of time to review, revise, rewrite and categorize the questions into different headings (again) and now found that the questions are more user-friendly and understandable than the initial draft one or two weeks ago.
According to the research method book I recently review, one important strategy that I used was to re-read the research question and come up with questionnaire questions that will help help me answer the research question. This is perhaps the most challenging and time-consuming part. Even though the questions are now finished, there will still be work to do with them — reordering, revise and recategorizing. In other words, the process goes as an never ending cycle until they read OK and are well organized in a sensible, logical order and are user-friendly to be administrated. One last step before piloting is to translate everything from English to Thai in order to facilitate my Thai participants. This will be yet another challenging task for me.
Since last Saturday I had not worked out. Today after so many attempts, I successfully put myself together and worked out. It was not a running because the weather in York is currently very cold (around 3–6 degrees during the day) and thus I do not feel comfortable with the idea of going for a run in such cold windy condition. So, I decided to do some body weight workout at home in the evening. I must say that at the end, I was fairly proud of myself. On a another note, my body strength is definitely poor and needs much work. I realized again that I will need to do more strength training and body weight workout or even better add it to my regular workout routine.
Two not-quite-good things I did were taking a nap and watching too many and too long YouTube videos. I should have done better in controlling the urges to do them. Other than that, the day was fine and I gave myself 8 points out of 10.
4/14/2019 9.59 pm.