Day 284: 1/9/2019
I have been thinking recently whether I spend too much time working not on my PhD research.
That said, unfortunately it means the opposite.
Today I got up at 7.23 am, way later than my plan. I did not blame myself for that but instead moved on to the next step to keep up with my morning routine.
I thought I might have spent too much time working two jobs and not enough time on my PhD. It is now a challenging task for me to strike a balance between work and PhD work. Having adopted the timeboxing strategy, I can not see more clearly how my time is spent and managed. Though I have not really out all the details of my days and hours, I can still see a clear imbalance and missing hours of PhD work.
Tonight again, I felt exhausted because I got up early, went to work for 5 hours straight at the University, came back home to read and reply emails (because that was all that could fit it my schedule), and went to work for another 5 hours. It was a long exhausting day indeed. Every Wednesday and Thursday where I have to work two jobs, this thought often comes to mine.
I need to really rethink my work and life schedule.
1/10/2019 12.08 am.