I can’t believe the first month of me being a PhD student has flown by very quickly. I just thought to myself today that there is no better time to document my journey towards a phd than now. Well, I gotta start somewhere, somehow and some time and now feels right. So let’s do it!
Thanks to the technology that has made it super easy and convenient to document this journey. I only need to log on to medium.com or go on its app which is just a snap. It is basically effortless. Really. (No more excuses not to write, actually).
Okay, let’s get things started.
I woke up at 6.30 to the alarm, checked the weather and found out that it was too cold (1 degree celcious) for a morning run. So, I cruised (browsed aimlessly) on the internet for an hour. (I hate myself for spending time wastefully but I did it again. :(
The moment I realized something more meaningful and useful needed to happen, I got up, cooked and worked on planning my week and month ahead. I revised the supervision meeting note on skillforge and got some planning done. YAY!
Then, I started reading Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mind in Society after lunch and the next thing I knew I was in bed taking a 40-minute nap. OH NO!
Got myself up for an afternoon run for about an hour. It was cold outside but I managed to break some sweat along with my running partner, P’Gluay. We came back super starving because it was an hour late for our dinner time. The dinner then was cooked and eaten in no time.
It is 9.48 pm now but I really need to get some more reading done before bed tonight. Let’s see how far I will get on Vygotsky.
Before today, I have had two supervision meetings with my supervisor, Prof. Jan Hardman. They were both productive meetings. The first was really a get-to-know-each-other type of meeting. We spent about 1.15 hours talking and sharing some ideas. The summary of the first meeting is that I need to revise my proposal. Period. Jan (who I still called “Dr. Hardman” back then) was kind enough to tell me not to totally discard my original plan. Then again she told me to consider other factors, especially the feasibility of data collection.
I will write more about the second meeting tomorrow. For now, let me read a bit more.
4/28/2018 9.53 pm.
edited 4/29/2018 2.04 pm.