Not sure if I should blame my own thought, worries, stupidity or everything combined when it comes to a day like today. I woke up with a thought that today would be a great day. Then I started off by going for a walk+jog because I felt like my body needed it for both my physical and mental health.
I felt incredible after that walk before the rest of turned upside down. I tried to reread the book and take notes from an online resource but later found out that a few potentially important pages were not available for review. Still, knowing that was the best way I could possibly do for the moment, I continued reading it. Once it was finished, I felt like nothing. I could not write about it because the ideas were too scattered or they were just too hard for me. Also, I doubt that it was the right article that Jan wanted me to read or not. With all of these questions repeating themselves in my head over and over, I realized I had no other choice than trying to write something out of it so that I can try to fit that piece of writing somewhere later. Driven by that thought, I finally finished it albeit being far from perfect and urgently needed revision. I felt a tad better to see a concrete touchable product out of my two-day effort.
The plans for tomorrow have been created and it could not be any clearer in terms of goals. Tonight, I spent a substantially longer time to think, plan, and work on my daily plan considering the less time I have before the deadline is here.
Let’s now relax and have a good night rest after a long tough day. Let’s also hope for a better day tomorrow even just a tiny bit better.
8/6/2018 11.45 pm