Day 191: 10/8/2018
I woke up (almost) at the time that I had planned. I could feel that things will be slowly getting better and better.
I did not feel like myself for the past couple of weeks, since the first TAP meeting perhaps. I have lost some of my habits and the majority of my discipline. These may have caused a painful amount of frustration during these past few weeks.
Having considered all possible causes, I have come to a conclusion that I need to get over these negative feelings towards myself and move on as soon as possible. The phrase “as soon as possible” is, however, as vague as it can be and simply means that will never happen. So, I had decided this morning would be the day. Start today. Start fresh. Again.
So no matter how hard it was to wake up to my alarm clock, I was determined to do it and it was a success. I then tried to follow my usual morning routine from getting up, drinking some water, did some stretching, making coffee, and getting started at my desk to read or plan for the day. It was almost a perfect start this morning. One thing I could have done better was with my cellphone use. I believe if I withheld it a bit longer this morning, I would have been more focused and could concentrate on my reading for a longer period of time.
I finished my daily plan with a few time slots unplanned.
I decided to go out as it is P’Gluay’s day off today. We went to Cafe Nero in the city center and stayed there for a few hours. I did not get much reading done as planned but I felt relaxed and relieved. I let myself loose once realized that I did spend some morning hours (trying to stick to) reading straight.

P’Gluay and I then went out on an evening run for 7.5K. It was a preparation for our first 10 mile run this coming Sunday. It was fun, dark and exhausted at the end.

After the run, we were so starving that we could eat a horse. After a search for restaurant, we planned to try out a famous Chinese restaurant called Red Chili. However, our hunger did not take us that far and thus we stopped on our way there to try Nando’s, one of the British’s favorite restaurants. Since it is Monday, there was no line and we did not have to wait at all. The service was prompt, tipping is completely voluntary rather than mandatory. We did not expect as much because seriously we just wanted to try something new at a new place. It was beyond our expectation in terms of food portion, quality, and service, especially a wide variety of sauce available there.

I am happy that I was able to call it a day with something done and that I am slowly becoming more of myself hopefully with more confidence regained as well. Of course, I will take it slow and will (try my best) not to push myself too hard like before.
Special thanks to P’Gluay who has always been there for me through thick and thin. Thank you.
10/9/2018 12.39 am.
Edited 10/9/2018 5.24 pm.