Day 5/27/2018
Well, I just finished planning my coming week before the church bell rang at midnight. Phew… I would say at least I finished it just right in time. :)
Today was another good relaxing day. I woke up a bit earlier than the past few days, around 8 am to be more precise. Then it went as usual. The difference was that I had a guest, my online student, Khun Ong visiting York along with his family. P’Gluay and I first went out in the city center to kill time a bit (well, we wanted to make sure we arrived at the restaurant on time). We then met Khun Ong there at 12.15 sharp. Khun Ong, who has been living in Melbourne for over 8 years, has been my online student on an educational application called For over four months now, I have been helping him with his IELTS preparation. As a teacher, I have to say that he has been such a disciplined, determined hardworking student and it was such a pleasure to meet him, his wife and his big warm family in person for the first time today. Also, today’s meeting marks the first ever in-person encounter between me with my online student. It was a nice experience indeed.

After a nice lunch with the family at our workplace, Khaosan Road, P’Gluay and I took them to the York’s famous Betty’s Tea Room just to find out that the line was extremely long today. It must have been because of the perfect weather. Unlike the usual scene outside the tea room I have seen for over the past two months, the line was significantly longer today. Khun Ong and his family decided not to wait since they had planned to head to London, which in my opinion was a much better choice considering the length of the line. Okay, enough with the line, let’s now move on to the rest of the day.

The afternoon went by quickly. P’Gluay and I stayed in the city center until it was almost 5 pm. as we needed to do some shopping for our apartment and ourselves (again). We finished off our weekend endless shopping with grocery shopping and Mark & Spencer.
Once we got home, P’Gluay cooked a very healthy delicious dinner for two and we had it while watching our favorite Thai news program. After that, there was not much going on. I took a nap for an hour before finally got up to study a bit and did some planning for the coming week. :)

One point I have to make is that I cheated a bit. While reading Bakhtin and trying to wrap my head around the introduction, I thought of Yuhan’s suggestion and went online to google “Bakhtin” hoping to find some shortcuts to help me understand his life, work, and way of thinking. Unsurprisingly, I found numerous sources, saved some on my laptop and I will read them tomorrow. I truly hope that this will help me shorten the time of reading and getting a better picture of the book than reading it through to find out myself like what I did with Vygotsky’ Mind in Society.
Self-evaluation on time and life management for this week: 7/10
I need to be more energetic and motivated from now.
Research Related Notes:
My goal for this week is to read as much as possible.
I would love to be able to read ‘extensively’ before starting to revise my proposal next week.
5/28/2018 12.40 am.
Edited 5/28/2019 3.35 pm.