I woke up this morning feeling a bit sore at my both feet after the long standing hours last night. Since I had planned not to run this morning, I stayed in and got some reading done.
I found it hard to concentrate today because of many reasons. First, I had a meeting with my potential research participants. For the second and third reasons, I have no idea. Admittedly, I was not able to focus for a long period of time today but at least I tried.
When it came to the meeting time, I believe there were good signs for me to perhaps have convinced my potential participants. I was a bit nervous thinking that I might have missed mentioning some important details. But later on during the meeting, I took my time to really explain my (rough and up-to-this-point) research plan. There seems to be a good chance and (possibly) increasing interest in participating in the study.
This is not the end, of course. It is actually the beginning with a lot of work lined up for me to finish: first, from writing up a brief introduction about my study, plus, an executive-summary kind-of-proposal. These will be used as means to communicate with other potential participants about the study. I asked one of my colleagues with who I had a meeting today to help me spread the word and thus theses will be the message from me.
Now, it is time for the real meat. After having checked of a few today, I have a few things left my current to-do-list.
1. Revise research proposal.
2. Start literature review.
3. Read.
Three simple and yet time-consuming and very challenging tasks! For the first time I found, the shorter the item, the more challenging it is.
I need to focus and stay focused.
I failed to stayed focused the entire afternoon. No matter how hard I tried, I could not really concentrate as much after the meeting. I blame it on the high level (perhaps at peak) of adrenaline flow. That coupled with my online teaching was cancelled, I decided to take a lunch break in the city.
From the lunch break at a Hong Kong style restaurant (called Upper River) to an after lunch clothes shopping and charity shops hopping, it was a fun relaxing break indeed. I felt much rested but still needed a little boost though.
P’Gluay, Bhak and I went out for a run in the city and along the river. Bhak took us to the route we have never known exists. It was a fun-filled, stunning, challenging, trail-like run!

Let’s leave the fun part behind and pick up on things I need to do! Well, not tonight though! :(
Just double-checked my tomorrow’s calendar, it will be another long day. I need to take a rest and get ready for another adventure tomorrow then.
5/8/2018 11.21 pm.