Day 97: 7/6/2018
First off, I am completely allergies free!
To make sure that the allergies would be all gone, I stayed in bed for an hour longer than usual. Seeing no signs of lingering allergies, I was happy to be me again today.
I did not realize how bad my allergies were until yesterday. I realized that I could not do a lot of things when my health conditions are bad. So, this really speaks to the importance of being healthy and ready for what life will take you to.
The only plan I had for today was to go to work at the office at the University. With that I mind, P’Gluay and I started our day off right and fresh by cooking, having breakfast and getting ready for work. Around 10.30 we each took off and I arrived at the office around 11, ready and energetic.
It was a full day of online resoursces research. With a clear set of goals in mind and a descriptive to-do list, I went to work straight trying to finish the work so that I can check off the items one by one.

At the end of the day, I was able to check off the first two items of the list. To be fair, they were rather straightforward and not labor-intensive. The third and fourth items on the list took me a long time today and I am not even half way done. I spent hours after lunchtime searching for online resources, skimming, and selecting relevant articles, one after another. So far I have downloaded quite a number of them on my computer, especially the ones that were recommended by Jan. Hopefully, I will be able to start reading tomorrow.

One change I have noticed recently is that I am now a bit more disciplined than I was before. I want to get things done and organized. And I want to try my best to do things ahead of time whenever possible. One of the reasons could be that I do not want to have excessive amount of stress and that will ruin everything including my life and health. Another reason could possible be the time I have at hand and things are now falling into places. My working pattern gradually emerges and I now know my prime time really well.
In the past, I tended to leave things that were not that important or urgent until the last minute, and it was incredibly terrible and stressful. Overally, my life was okay but there were countless emotional breakdowns that I did not ever want it to happen anymore.
Thus, being here starting fresh as a new PhD student basically gave me a chance to reinvestigate at myself and reorganize my life. Fortunately, so far life has been good in this aspect.
As seen in my current to-do list above, my plan for the next few days or even several weeks will be filled with reading, reading, and reading. I truly hope for many more productive days from my productive self like what happend today.
7/6/2018 11.23 pm.