To start things off right, P’Gluay and I got up, got ready and went on a morning run for almost an hour and a half. Today, like many others, I did not feel like getting up, but my energetic self told me to drag myself out of bed because I would feel totally happy when adrenaline reaches its peak during the run. Then off I went and it was a success start of the day.

After the quality morning time, P’Gluay and I took off different paths. He went to work and I went to the office today with my packed healthy lunch and all the everyday goodies. I have to say that it was a really good day at work although I got distracted from time to time but it was still under control from mild to pre-moderate level of distraction.

One strategy that I have used and it has worked magically lately is that every time before I leave home, I make sure that both my phone and laptop are fully charged. This is because I do not carry my chargers as they are way too heavy when I ride my bicycle, I have to literally preserve the batteries for the entire day use. It means that I have to cut own and control unnecessary use of energy on both devices. Thus, I strictly restrict my own use of some useless entertainment apps like Safari and Line to the minimal. Doing so has helped my to focus better while working at the office. Of course, there is at least downside to this method though. Sometimes when I read articles on my laptop and the battery does not last that long and that bothers me but still at a bearable level. So, for now I will stick with this strategy.
The rest of the day was rather repetitive. It should be noted that I gave myself some time to relax and chill as a reward for the day.
Self-evaluation on time and life management on this: 8/10
(for the first time, YAY!)
Research Related Notes:
- I have done some readings that are (extremely) relevant and useful for my research proposal revision. The more I read, the more I wonder what all the teachers, schools, government, politicians and authorities in Thailand have been doing with our educational system given all existing research findings and advanced technology these days.
- Next, I have to read, read, and read more before the stage of writing, scheduled on 7/24 will start. Let’s see how far I will have gone by then.
7/10/2018 11.15 pm.