Day 87: 6/26/2018
Overall, my day was pretty good!
I woke up this morning excited. Even though I was not wide awake but it was enough for me to push myself to get up and go for a morning run. It was a good two hours this morning.
Things still go as planned for the rest of the morning. P’Gluay and I were eager to be better and do better. As the day went by, I checked off things I finished off the list I made. It was a pretty good day indeed.
I would say I was quite productive. I went to work at the office, had lunch, and worked throughout the afternoon. Despite some occasional distractions from textings and notifications, the day still pretty much as planned and I could stay focused for a longer period of time. All the credits for the afternoon productivity would go to ‘planning’. It rocks!

Now, the weakness that I urgently need to work on is the evening hours. Since I usually come home, have dinner and relax, I am not used to working during these hours unless something urgently needs to be finished. Today, I had planned to work in the evening, albeit not a big or labor-intensive task, but I totally FAILED. I got literally nothing done. Before writing this reflection, I thought that I should write something about this failure to follow the plan, but thinking about it again plus recapping the entire day made me change my mind. I should at least give myself some credits for a good start I put the effort on today, right?
All in all, I was quite happy my own progress today. Of course, I certainly hope and will make tomorrow better, even if it would be improved by 0.1%. :P
6/26/2018 10.53 pm.