Day 220: 11/6/2018
Last night, I checked my schedule for today and found that I had nothing until 4 pm. I was a happy human.
After two days in London, my body was exhausted and needed a rest. Thus, this morning I intentionally left myself in bed until noon.
My organizational skills have gone downhill. There was no food left in the fridge and I did not care much about it. Instead, I left myself starve a bit longer before a huge lunch around 2 pm.
Around one thirty, I went to school as I had a workshop at 4. It was a part of the writing suit exclusively for PhD students. It was interesting, interactive and very thought provoking. I learned much about the process of planning and writing the PhD thesis, especially how to view it as a explorative process which all mistakes are allowed and writing is writing which are not at all meant to be the final draft since the first one.
I then walked to Khaosan and worked until 11ish. Tomorrow is a challenging day since I have a lot of things to do on my list.
11/7/2018 12/29 am.