I got up early in the morning hoping to get as much work done as possible. The original plan was to write up three intervention studies. Thus, all morning and early afternoon hours were devoted to reviewing reading notes, reading, and writing. As the hours went by, my stress level seemed to rise gradually without me noticing it. Early in the afternoon, I was so tired and fully stressed out that I bursted into tears of emotion. Oh no, here it happened again (and again). Two things that kept me going and gaining myself back were first my husband who has always been the most supportive I could ever ask for, and the my very own thought that, I am creating something big from building bit by bit and so as long as I keep working, I will succeed one day down the road. These helped me wipe off my tears, lift me up and be able get back to work again.
That emotional moment told me that I need to stop pushing myself a bit too hard (again). But I did not stop there. I went on to searching for a few more articles I needed to read for my literature review, found it was extremely difficult to get the hold of the copy, and finally read it off on Google Book.
A few hours later, I got ready to go out for a walk in the city just to relax and spend some time with P’Gluay on his day off. There we went to the city and decided on a whim that we would have an impromptu dinner out at an Italian restaurant, the Press Kitchen, we often walk by every day.
It turned out to be a wonderful, impressive meal that we both liked so much! It was a great decision we made today!

Since we arrived at the restaurant rather early, the service and the food was super fast. We were really impressed by the quality, atmosphere, and service we received and look forward to the next time. Yeah, it was that good.
As my original plan was to walk to ease my mind, body and soul and to exercise a bit after sitting and working at the same spot for a few days straight, P’Gluay and I walked to the city and roamed around bit and it was just a perfect time to catch some one-of-a kind City of York scenes. The after dinner stroll was fun, then we walked home, and called it a night!
8/6/2018 12.00 am.
edited 8/6/2018 1.11 pm.