Day 208: 10/25/2018
The seventh supervision meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and I cannot say that I am ready for it.
Looking through the past six weeks, I am skeptical of my own progress and productivity level. As always, I have a to-do list that I keep track of its progress closely. The current list has not been going so well as indicated by only half of the items were checked. This may be due to so many factors like myself, my recently gradually decreased motivation and productivity levels, or simply an unidentified factor. Of course, this has worried me for a while but still I have no clue how to really solve it and how to get myself out of this mess.
I spent three segments of time in the morning, afternoon and evening reviewing my notes from the previous meetings, listening to the TAP meeting audio record, and trying to plan for tomorrow’s supervision meeting. Doing so has led me to the conclusion that yes, I have not been sufficiently productive. The questions now are what I will have to update with Jan? and how will I tell her about this?
Well, I will just be frank with her. First, I will let her know what I have done or have not done during the time between two meetings. Then I will ask her for advise and to meet more frequently. To me, the current 6-week interval between meetings does not seem to be sufficient and effective considering the amount of work I have accomplished recently.
Tomorrow morning, I will work on my plans and strategies to discuss these issues and propose the new meeting frequency. Hopefully, she will agree with me as well.
10/26/2018 1.47 am.