Day 58: 5/28/2018
YES! I did it!
My day did not start right but it ended right today. I got up an hour late this morning. While I was thinking there might be something going wrong with my system recently since I have been getting up late constantly for almost two weeks, P’Gluay told me it was because I have been exhausted and that I have never been a lazy person in his view. That was a relief but still I think I can make it even better. Not because I wanted to be perfect or anything of that sort. Rather, from my very own perspective, like everybody else looking at themselves, I always find flaws — points to improve — in myself. One of the points is to become a true morning person. I know I am on my way. :)
Later I found out that my student could not make it for the scheduled online class with me. I gained two extra hours to do my work I had missed this morning. Opened up my plan on the calendar, I found a task, not a pleasant one for me to do it at least for today, “Listen to the audio and write a supervision meeting record on Skillforge”. I somehow did not feel like doing it. For a second I thought to myself though that it would be a brilliant opportunity for me to build up ‘discipline’ of doing something when I have to do.
The next thing was that I transferred the file from my phone to my laptop since it works much faster. I then listened to the an hour-long audio record and took notes. Despite how simple this task seems, it took me literally hours from 11.30–5.15 pm to finish it. Of course, I took breaks while working and still opened other programs to ease the tension I had. But I would say that I successfully forced myself to finish the task I did not feel like doing today until it was finished. YES! One step closer to ‘discipline’.
I went to work at the restaurant in the evening until almost 11. Thinking about work tomorrow, I still have a continued task from today — to submit the supervision meeting notes on Skillforge. That is now at the top of my priority tomorrow.
A lesson learned today,
“even when you do not feel like it, JUST DO IT !”
5/29/2018 12.47 am.