Day 222: 11/8/2018
Let me say it first before I continue, I am no longer a big fan of Facebook if compared to how I used to be. I use it occasionally to post photos and share some stories I believe useful for people. I admit, though, that at times I spend some time and perhaps too much time on it at times. Today I made the decision that my relationship with social media need to change and I decided to delete Facebook from my phone after having thought about it for a while.
There have been many things coming and going to my mind today. On the one hand, I wanted to do a lot of things. On the other, I did not want to start doing anything in terms of work today. I chose the latter on and was relatively pleased with it at the end of the day.
It is our fifth wedding anniversary today and it is the perfect accuse not to work for the day!
I spend my time to clean the kitchen, cook some good food for breakfast and dinner, go out to the city, have some afternoon coffee with P’Gluay as to celebrate the occasion, and shop for some grocery. It was simple and yet an overall OK rest day.
Also, I decided to go to work tomorrow (Friday), Saturday and Sunday as P’Gluay will be working as well. Hopefully, this plan plus getting rid of some social media applications on my phone will help me regain my normal work grove or even fine the better one.

11/8/2018 10.57 pm.