Day 185: 10/2/2018
I feel it coming! I can feel it!
Yay #1
Last night I set my alarm clock at 7 am. When it first went off this morning, I automatically got up and put it on snooze. Unlike every day, I could not go back to sleep, my thought and mind were thinking about the plan I had written last night. Then a few minutes later after lingering in bed, I successfully got up and kept it going for the day.
Yay #2
Considering the picture of today’s overall performance on time keeping, I would perhaps rate myself a 7.5 out of 10. There were points that I planned unrealistically; for example, I planned to finish reading three book chapters of around 60–70 pages by 1 pm before going out to a cafe. Apparently, this goal was impossible and too challenging that it demotivated me.
However, what I was delighted was the fact that I was doing with keeping of how I spend my time. That is, I tried to stick to the original plan as time allowed. I read when I was supposed to with less interruption from cellphone usage.
Nay #1
A good old friend of mine decided to pop me a visit without any prior notice. My allergies came to me suddenly in the afternoon and it did not help after I took two pills. My right eye is watery and super sensitive to food smells and humidity. I could not finish my shift at the restaurant as it got worse to there point where I could not whole a hot dish without the tears dropping from my right eye.
10/2/2018 11.15 pm.