Towards a PhD: Failure #1
Day 31: 5/1/2018
I woke up today as my alarm clock went off. ✅
I finished my first reading even before the deadline I set. ✅
Everything seemed to go fine for the entire morning. Then for some unknown reason, everything went downhill after my second task was accomplished.
I tried my very best to stick with the plan, to focus on my reading as I was supposed to, but it turned out that I was not productive as planned.
Should I blame myself for not being able to focus after my online teaching for an hour and 15 mins? Maybe.
Or should I blame myself for checking my phone more often than yesterday and thus the study time was not well spent? Maybe.
After some thoughts, it makes sense to believe that it could be my feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment early on this morning that led me to believe it was enough for the day. Well, again, maybe!
I entitle today’s entry as “failure #1” because I certainly know that there will be more days like today. Many more I should say.
For one thing I know for sure that there is always a fresh start for me to start all over again. It is called “tomorrow.”
Let today be history and learn from the mistakes.
Let tomorrow be a good day.
5/1/2018 11.20 pm