Day 34 5/4/2018
I admit that today was a good day until the afternoon came.
I got up this morning right after the first alarm went of at 6.30, went for a morning fun 2 hours straight (haven’t run this long in 2–3 months) and finished 10k at 9 am. It was half an hour later than my planned time but it was fine.

After that, things went well just exactly as I had planned until around 1 pm. I got home and needed to make a call to the National Insurance Agency to apply for NI. I was stressed out because I have not been familiar with British accent yet. Having to call someone on the phone was not an easy task for me at this very moment. But I did and the operator was really helpful and profession even when I misspelt my name once or twice. I felt much relieved and from that moment on I went off track.
I had planned to spend two hours after lunch on continuing Vygotsky with 15-minutes breaks in between. (I am surprised by how I was really precise and descriptive). Then after getting some reading done, I would go out for grocery shopping but things changed. My husband and I went out to shop for grocery first and it took much longer than one hour. The next thing I knew, I was away for too long, had no reading done so far today, and spent too much time on my phone as a way to relax myself after that important phone call.
Up until now I have caught myself using my phone for too long today. Well, it’s Friday right? So, I should loosen up and relax for a bit.
Before starting writing today’s entry, I tried to read a few pages continuing from this morning but it didn’t work. My academic mind did not function well. Thus, I believe I should stop working for tonight since it is clearly not productive in anyway, and go to bed early.
When I get up tomorrow morning, one goal I have to achieve tomorrow is to ready (finish chapter 6 of Vygotsky and start Alexander’s Towards Dialogic Teaching I was supposed to start yesterday).
For all that happened today, I blame it on the power of Friday!
Research-Related Notes:
I should start planning for my research proposal tomorrow (when to do, what needs to be fixed/changed/added).
Note to self:
5/4/2018 10.24 pm