Day 193: 10/10/2018
Some progress was made. I am getting a tad closer towards my PhD.
I got up an hour late at 8 this morning. Well, to be fair, I had planned to get up at 7 but that would be less than 7 hours of sleeping, which apparently is not healthy. Anyway, once I got up things went pretty much as planned.
P’Gluay and I did house chores: bathroom and kitchen cleaning. As I had a class at 11, I needed to get ready and leave home at 10.40 the latest and I did leave even before that time. It felt great!
The class covered a research method that I will be using, observation. My PhD classmates, Justyna, Kathy and I seem to get along with one another quite well and we spent some time chatting even in class. Later, Justyna and I went to a focus group session for PhD recruitment together and I found that she and I share some common views of life, PhD work and engagement. I am delighted to have found someone with similar interests.
I made some progress towards my PhD today. As I had decided to contact my potential research participants considering a decreasing amount of time I have before going home, I thus did contact the head teacher today to discuss our meeting in December. Our discussion went well and it seemed that I have a good chance.
Then I spent some time proofreading my ethics application. Personally, I found it tricky though straightforward at times. Still, there were so many errors I needed to fix before forwarding it to Jan.
My evening hours were spent on working at Khaosan Road Bistro. That was it for the day.
I did a much better job with the time and will keep going and maintaining its consistency.
10/10/2018 11.59 pm.
Edited 10/12/2018 12.35 am.