Day 9, Year 2: 4/8/2019
I believe I have had too many rest days so far.
Well, I suppose it all did not go well because I did not have a plan to start off. Expectedly, things then go in their separate ways as it happened (again) today. At least I am trying to reestablish my (proper) medium entry writing and hopefully it will last from now on.
To be fair, I have been writing on but decided not to publish if the posts are too personal or related with confidential issues. This is because my research involves several other people and factors not only myself. Thus, it is important for me as a research to keep things confidential, comply to ethics and remain professional at all times.
Let us get back to what happened today. It was just another rest day on which I wish I was more productive. One task I finished though was recording and publishing a podcast episode for #KruYingEnglish. In fact, I believe I have spent relatively too much time on KruYingEnglish more than I should recently. It is one of the side track tasks that has taken a great amount of my time and I should restrict it or manage it better.
Speaking about time management, after the hot pot dinner with friends, I spent some time planning my week on my Apple Calendar. I am now wishing that Apply Calendar had a function of showing accumulative duration of time for each task category so that I know how much time in total I spend on all categories like “towards my PhD,” and “Personal Growth.” This will tremendously help me evaluate my time management more effectively. Now, I am considering whether to switch to Google calendar as it offers this function while Mac does not.

It is now time to wind down and get ready for bed. See you tomorrow.
8/4/2019 11.22 pm.