Day 44: 5/14/2018
Today was a good long Monday. Woke up at 7 (30 minutes off my usual time) and got my routine going.
Worked in the morning, taught for almost two hours, took a nap, and went to work. Superficially, it seemed to be a productive day. I found one problem that urgently needs a change. It is that I can’t stay focused as long as I wish. I get distracted very easily from my inner urge to check my messages and so on. Thus, this will be my focus for this week.
I will be cellphone-free for 1 hour straight for a minimum of 3 hours a day.
I will completely shut down and rely on my watch.
Let’s see how it goes…
5/15/2018 12.51 am
edited 5/16 12.12 am.