Day 107: 7/16/2018
I started the day off right by getting straight up without having to snooze (YES!) and went for a run for 8.5K. The rest of the morning was fine. There was one problem though, only one but significant enough to ruin my whole day out today. I had allergies.
As for our ritual Monday, P’Gluay and I planned to go out to the city center to have a meal or just simply for a walk as usual. Nevertheless, due to my very stubborn allergies today starting early on during my morning run, I decided not to go out considering the forever runny nose and teary eyes I had. Again, I needed take the pill twice and was worried whether it would be overdose the daily usage. The two pills did not seem to work as boasted, I stills struggled with allergies symptoms till late afternoon.
That earned me a few hours for myself though. Since I decided to stay home, I had all that time to study, play, or just take a nap. First, I tried to read the chapters I downloaded and finished one or two (I cannot recall now). Later, as I read the article, I could not help but being so sleepy and that brought me to bed for the next hour. Then, I woke up feeling a bit more refreshed.
All in all, I finished reading a few more chapters of the book. Though I am not certain how many, there are all the bonus from me staying home to study. At least there was one good thing from having allergies. :)
I am not sure if it helps or not, but last night I made a DIY calendar and put it up on the board right in front of me.

Like many visual learners, I work better when I can visualize things. That also includes my calendar. Because of the urge I felt of my guilty that I have NOT done enough for the past few weeks, I decided to create this simple calendar to remind myself of how much time I have left before the self-set due dates and what I have to do on a certain day. This rather simple piece of homemade calendar has helped me to get through the day today. It was a good start indeed.
Today, I looked at it thinking there is still plenty of time for me to work on it and it is OK to take my time to work things out as long as I do something and stick with my plans every day.
Again, today was a good bonus day. I am thankful that I got to stay home to read and think about my work although I was not fully productive. However, just like an old saying, “something is better than nothing”. And what is important is that I have done something, I have contributed something to my work today. That would be enough to give me strength and keep me going.
7/16/2018 11.22 pm.
Edited 7/17/2018 8.28 am.