Day 286: 1/11/2019
Well, because I did not plan well, it turned out to be a not productive day at all.
Getting up late in the morning, I somehow successfully forced myself to get out of bed and went for a run. The breakfast was served afterwards and that was pretty much the most productive part of the day.
As nothing was planned out ahead except for the morning run, the rest of the day just flew by pointlessly. P’Gluay and I went to the City Center hoping to get a new macbook pro charger which turned out to be twice as expensive in store than online. We then wandered around the city and met Amon and P’Tun before heading to Waitrose for grocery shopping.
The worst part of the day was a few evening hours where I let myself indulge guiltlessly online while there is, in fact, a lot of work undone.
The worst part of the day was yet to come. I did not finish my podcast recording until 12.30ish and I am still up now while I want to train myself back to be a morning person.
Hopefully, this will be gone after something happens. Again.
1/12/2019 1.08 am.