Day 85: 6/24/2018
It was a restful day after a long while.
A couple of days ago, I had planned that I wanted to have a restful weekend. After a reasonably busy week, I got to spend a restful day today. That said, I still set my alarm last night and woke up around 8 this morning. Even though it was a bit later that the set time, it was still early compared to what I once was in the past.
It was a quality time this morning. P’Gluay and I spent time making breakfast, apartment-hunting, watching YouTube videos aimlessly for fun and pleasure, and video-calling the family.
The afternoon was our time. We went out to a Thai restaurant where P’Gluay works to have a Thai late lunch. Recently, I have missed spicy food and some local food that cannot be cooked at home. So, we went out, had a nice meal and a good chat before heading back to the city center for an afternoon coffee and doughtnuts at Krispy Kreme. On a side note, there are plenty of stores, cafes, and restaurants in the UK that offer student discounts (normally for 10 or 20%) on top of regular prices or even sale prices. I did not see any in the US actually.
To end the day, we just chilled at home. I did some reading at the end of the day and started the final round of my research proposal revision before submitting it tomorrow.
I am now feeling fully rested. Looking at my plan for tomorrow and the rest of the week, I am ready for them.
It feels so incredible to have a day like this once in a while.
6/24/2018 11.06 pm.