Day 25, Year 2: 4/24/2019
I want to live my life with the end in mind.
Inspired by a recent podcast episode by Mission to the Moon Podcast, I made my own episode as a tribute to Khun Pipat Seetoon. He was a inspirational blogger who contributed so much to English language learning community in Thailand. For over a past decade, he dedicated his time and devotion to create, craft and put together such as wonderful extensive free online resource called for Thai-speaking English learners. Browsing through various pages on his website last night let me know how much he did for us and he was really “a true labour of love” as he once claimed.
This story perfectly resonates the quote ‘live a live with the end in mind.’ I am not certain if Khun Pipat Seetoon had ever thought or even known of this quote. However, what he did was a perfect example that we all, myself included, should always live our lives the way we want to be remembered. I had a moment that I looked back at my own life and living inquiring quietly in my thought, “Have I lived my life the way I want people to remember me or have I just only lived day by day and go with the flow?”
Needless to say that we will never live forever and it is worth asking ourselves the above questions as well. Thank you Khun Pipat and may your heart and soul rest in peace.
4/25/2019 7.48 am.