Day 240: 11/26/2018
It has been a long day-off.
I started off right by going for a run for an hour, grocery shopping, and having proper breakfast with P’Gluay.
Then in the afternoon, I took it real easy. Though I had planned to work on my FLLT presentation preparation, the bed seemed to have a more pleasant attractive energy as it attracted me to cover myself in it in my big blanket. I took a nap for almost two hours and it was the longest nap in a big while. This could partially be due to my allergies from getting up in the morning until late afternoon. It took me two different pills to get rid of it completely.
After the sunset (which means around 4 pm.), P’Gluay and I went out to the city center with a plan to get some bookmarks for souvenirs. Even though we failed, we quickly moved on to a few more shops before having a sit-down dinner at Nando’s. It should be noted though that we actually planned to go to York Christmas Market since today is the only day that P’Gluay and I are both off, most, if no all, of the stalls were closed by the time we finished our dinner.
We then walked to B & M where we luckily got the cardboard boxes for moving for free. As I was looking for the cardboard boxes for sale, I asked one of the staff members who was stocking up their goods and piling up the empty flattened boxes. He replied, “you can take these if you’d like” and that literally brightened my day because it meant I would save around £10+. Yay! “Thank you,” I replied and accepted his offer with a smile on my face as he helped us getting some boxes out of the huge pile. It was the sweetest little surprise of the day.
At the end of the day, I spent some time at my desk planning for tomorrow. I know it will definitely be busy but I am positive that it will be another great one….
11/26/2018 11.19 pm.