Day 164: 9/11/2018
I wanted to take a good break after a long stressful time of working on my proposal.
And I did it pretty well by getting up so much later than usual. It was a good start of the day though. P’Gluay and I got up a bit after nine because we had a long night last night and did not have much to do this morning.
After breakfast, I spent some time in our room trying to figure out what we really for our new apartment. This took me a really long time to work things out and making decision is definitely one of my favorite tasks to do. Then, I decided not to place the order on Ikea now so that I can take a look around in actual shops in York first. (Maybe I have been overthinking about everything in life.
In the afternoon, I went running with P’Gluay because he asked me and I thought I should really get back to my healthy mode. So there I went. My mind was not in the mood though. Throughout my run, I could not stop thinking, what’s next?, what should I do after the run? This hardly happens when I enjoy running and time with myself. One thing that I enjoyed today though was the feeling of lingering summer. It was bright, breezy and sunny.

Finally, I was glad I could finish a 7K. At least an accomplishment I made today.
After dinner at Tah Then, I stopped by a few shops and Waitrose before trying to tidy our room slowly. I could feel that there has been a lingering worry that I cannot stop. It has felt like an unfinished business. It is a feeling I do not really know how to describe. One thing I know for sure is that my work, the submitted proposal is not complete. Maybe it is my worries that I have not got the feedback from Jan.
I start to get excited about our meeting this Thursday. I realize that my work is by all means not perfect but to me it is the best I can do within the time I have. Let us hope for the best.
9/12/2018 12.31 am.