Day 239: 11/25/2018
From the very get go, I could sense that it would be a great day!
Breaking all time management rules, I woke up with no prior plans from last night. The only I knew was that I would go for a run and work in the afternoon and evening at the library.

This morning I got up a bit after my alarm time (again). This pattern has been persistent and needs an urgent change. P’Gluay and I went on a run for over an hour and came back for breakfast. It has now became clear that I am a morning person when it comes to running. My prime running time is around 6.30–8.30. This is a rather surprise for me.
Then I cooked some simple dishes for our easy breakfast. We have enjoyed our morning routine lately. Once P’Gluay left for work, it was my time to get ready for my work as well. Since I was committed to return a book at the library, I had planned to spend the rest of the afternoon to study and work there.

I arrived at the library in the rain. Even though I was not thoroughly soaked, I was wet enough to feel cold while sitting there.
Without any delay, I successfully forced myself to sit straight to listen to the audio files from the 8th supervision meeting with one goal in mind, to finish it, considering the time I have and so many tasks to do this coming busy week. About two hours later, I finished listening to it and the meeting minutes and notes were complete as well. Then I moved on to the next task, completing the online supervision meeting form on Skillsforge. With only mini breaks in between, the task was down and I moved on to another one.
My working speed went a bit down at this point. So, I spent time on minor tasks like filling out the forms for the OEA UK, printing and organizing some documents for my contract signing. I also did some planning about the meetings with the university President, the Dean and the potential participants. I am now a bit excited and the day is approaching and I cannot say that I am fully prepared. One last task before I left the library was to write two important emails regarding the TAP 2, Year 1 and Progression Meetings. Realizing it is Sunday, I thought it would be fine to do so. I am now left feeling I have done so much in terms of work and life.
I urgently need to work on now is the conference presentation that I will be giving on the 12/7/2018. It is coming very soon and I have not really thought it through.
This along with many others are on my to-do list I created on my new planned I got from Muji London. As of now, I like it because it is compact and practical and looks chic at the same time.
I like productive days like today. Hope it will be like this every day!
11/25/2018 11.50 pm.