Day 18, Year 2: 4/17/2019
I decided not to go to work and stayed home to work on my PhD again.
I woke up this morning feeling not 100% fresh and thus got up almost an hour later than the plan. Without further ado, I went directly to the kitchen and started my morning routine right off.
Since I had worked my plan out the night before, I knew what needed to be done and just followed it. I have to admit that it felt incredible to be able to do it as planned. Everything went OK until around 10 where I needed to make a decision whether to go to work or not. It took me a while to carefully consider all pros and cons of both going and staying home to work and at the end I decided not to go. The main reason was that I did not feel fully recovered yet and did not want to spread the cold to anyone in the office. Given all the conditions I am at the moment, I should make sure to be back healthy and ready to work before resuming it. Plus, I believed it would safer for my colleagues for me to stay home and do my work as well.
Student questionnaire was the continued focus from yesterday. As planned, I reviewed the questions, recategorized and finalized the second draft. At the moment, I am not feeling that confident with what I have been doing and cannot help thinking whether all the effort I have put is getting me in the right direction. I felt exhausted at times and was worried as well.
I am now thinking to send the drafts of my current student questionnaire and systematic schedule to Jan via email so that she can read through very quickly and provide me feedback to move forward. The problem is that it is a four-day holiday this weekend starting from this Friday and that means I might not get her feedback until next Tuesday the soonest. Well, I should at least try emailing her the drafts tomorrow and ask if I can stop by for a quick chat sometime next week.
Since it is P’Gluay’s day off today, we cleaned and tidy our apartment getting it ready for Albert’s arrival tomorrow. In the evening, we went to grocery shop (again) at Morrisons. I did not realize there are so many great products at reasonable prices there. I am now thinking to shop there more often from now on.
4/17/2019 11.30 pm.