Day 66: 6/5/2018
It was a pretty good day. Not really.
I woke up a bit later than my set alarm time but it was not a problem. The point is there were so many changes of plan happening in one day. My plan was to work at home all day but later that was changed. I decided to go to my office in the afternoon. And that caused a chain of bad consequences.
Let me explain a bit more about my morning. I did quite a significant chunk of work with my research proposal, editing some details I had not found in the previous revision, finding some areas that need partial or even entire edit.
Given the amount of work I did, I believe it was the feeling of accomplishment that changed the dynamic of my day. After getting some lunch and going straight to the office, I was still productive. I continued to work on my proposal. When I was about to leave the office, my two office mates started chatting and thus I joined them for about 15–20 minutes. (I am still really new to the area, especially the office, so socializing to get to know people is still necessary to me, right?)
The pivotal point came when I got home in the evening. In fact, I had planned to read Mercer (2000) so that I could get both writing and reading done. Conversely, the reality was that I was again glued to the screen as I binge-watched the news on YouTube aimlessly along with having dinner I made myself. Despite the disappointment, I felt that it was such a very much needed break I deserved (for an unknown reason I could not justify.)
I will end my entry with a quote that hopefully will pick me up from this muddy, nasty, fluctuating situation I am in right now. Again, let’s hope for a better day tomorrow!
“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” — Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
6/6/2018 12.18 am.