Day 194: 10/11/2018
It has been a long day. I have done so much today.
I started off half an hour late from the original plan. This has been quite a pattern that I am afraid a new habit will be formed. So, to prevent such thing from happening, I need to improve my getting up habit. It will not be easy and I will definitely struggle but I will do my best.
P’Gluay and I went for a morning run from 7.30 to almost 9. We typically leave and come back earlier.
Then I went to school and decided not to go to the session as planned partly because I was almost late to it and I wanted to spend more time at the office. I rode to the office, stayed there until 2.30 when P’Gluay asked if I wanted to join him for a coffee in the city center. That was when my plan was completely gone. But it was because he rarely asks me to join him and thus I thought he might have had something to do or say.
Again, the evening hours were spent on work at Khaosan Road.
10/12/2018 12.48 am.