Day 43: 5/13/2018
Today was a bit of everything!
I woke up right when my alarm clock went off. YAY! I think I have been gradually becoming a morning person as I have always wanted. That’s quite an accomplishment. Woke up, did some stretching, checked my messages (this part is something I need to work on ASAP), and went straight to study.
I spent around 2–2.30 hours reading and taking notes of Alexander’s Towards Dialogic Teaching. That was all the time I got for reading today.
After breakfast, P’Gluay and I decided to go the York Designer Outlet as we had planned a few days ahead. We both hoped to get new running shoes and some clothes for work and leisure. It was quite an easy commute from our apartment to the outlet mall. Since it was Sunday, there were so many people there. While some people might think the mall was small and bland, it was just right and nice for us. It has everything an outlet should have and the layout was brilliant in my opinion. I personally noticed there were a lot of families coming to shop together and there were quite a number of kids and adults with disability, too. Thankfully, facilities to serve them are great and plentiful so they can also enjoy their time shopping at the mall like everyone else. :)
We spent an entire afternoon there and came back to the city a bit before five.

I see a change in my habit lately. It happened today after several times earlier since I read Eat That Frog. It was that despite my physical fatigue and mild migraine, P’Gluay and I decided to stop by the University to print a document for our Tuesday meeting. Technically, I still have an entire day tomorrow plus early Tuesday morning to do it. Given the situation, the old self of mine would, of course, decide to put it off, go home, relax and be bothered tomorrow. My (relatively) new self told me to get it done and over with as soon as I can. I could feel the urge flowing in my head.
One of the reasons I thought to myself was that it is better to get it done while I still have some time for other things that might come up later. And it is always better to be prepared. So, I did. I got the paper done and ready for Tuesday. YAY!
We got home almost 5 and decided to take a short break after dinner. Then off we go for a run for an hour. I had a mild persisting migraine for the past few days and really hoped that running will help get rid of it. And again running did it magic. After an hour run, I felt so much relieved and all the pain was gone. It’s another YAY!
In short, today was truly a bit of everything from work, life and health. I wish though, considering the time, I have that I could be more productive with my study.
Tomorrow, I will get up at the same time (6.30 am) and work my butt off. Let’s hope it will be another good day!
Sunday 5/13/2018 11.05 pm