Day 10, Year 2: 4/9/2019
If I could rate my today’s performance, it would be 8/10.
Most of the day went well as planned. The reason why two points were deducted because I went a bit off the plan once in the afternoon and another in the evening.
In the afternoon, it was too difficult for me to stay away. This could perhaps be due to the green tea I had the night before. As a consequence, I kept waking up the entire night. On top of that, the left hemisphere of my next starting from my left ear has been sore which could be caused by me grinding my teeth at night unconsciously. Altogether, I was extremely sleepy in the afternoon regardless of all the attempts I tried to stay awake. As a result, I was not as productive as I wanted to. A section of a methodology article was all I could finish reading.
Another point deducted was from the evening. I was supposed to come back home, go grocery shopping, and work out. On the other hand, I did not go straight from grocery shopping to working out but I took a break and watch YouTube videos for a good hour. However, at the end of it, I managed to work out for half an hour, record and broadcast a Podcast episode, and write the current Medium entry. I believe this is quite an accomplishment which deserves some credits and recognition, isn’t it?
Before going to bed tonight, having learned that I am more productive when I have my days laid out, well planned, and visualized, I will take a few moments to work on my tomorrow now.
4/9/2019 11.04 pm.