One afternoon while I was on a subway heading downtown Manhattan, I sat next to a gentleman in his sixties. Holding his brand new blue iPhone 5C in his left hand, a book entitled iPhone for Dummy on the other. I adored how age was nothing for him to learn to navigate his new mobile device.
Watching him working on it with his two-inch-thick handbook for a couple of minutes silently, I could see him stuck at the home screen trying to open safari browser unsuccessfully. I was hesitant for a moment to offer help because in New York nothing is really predictable. That is, I could offer him help and got turned down or even yelled at. If that happened, it would be so embarrassing. The next minute I decided to accept whatever would happen, I asked politely, “Would you like any help, sir?” He shouted at me first as he was not able to catch fully of what I said like many in the same age. I felt a bit down but decided to try again. “Would you like any help, sir?” I asked reluctantly. “I’m elementary at this,” he said in his rather sad voice. “This is what you can do to open the browser,” I explained smilingly. He added another question before I reached my stop and needed to get off the train. This time, he thanked me with his sweet voice, and that was the best thing happening to me that day. A random guy sitting across from us smiled brightly at me, nodded and said “Thank you.” This was one of the best decisions I made that day.
It was all priceless.