It’s been a long productive day. I started off a bit later than usual by running for an hour. Then I took a short break to have a cup of coffee, take a shower and have a meal. (In fact, morning is my favorite part of the day.) After that, I taught for an hour, and my morning work was all done.

Another critical task I got done today was to draft a very important email to my potential supervisors. This alone took me days to think about what to include (well, in my head) and it took me a long awhile to really elaborate them into a rather brief polite reasonable email. Yet, to this point, it is to be revised.
That is not a problem. For an important dead-or-alive (not literally)decision like this, I want to take my time to draft, edit, and draft and edit, before finally sending it to them.
I am glad that I finished the first draft today. It means I am getting closer to the finish line.
2/10/2018 11.32 pm.
edited 2/11/2018